Customer Service

Directory of Electric Heating & Air Conditioning Dealers

(Simply click on the link below to view the directory in PDF format. If you don’t already have an Adobe reader, you can download a free copy at: Adobe Acrobat Reader.)

Electric Heating & Air Conditioning Dealers

Public Safety

top_rescueSafety and health is a way of life, both at home and at work. Without question, it is everyone’s responsibility to ensure a safe and healthy environment. In order to develop safe living, efforts are focused on improving safe behaviors of Polk County RPPD employees and their customers. Polk County RPPD employees believe: Safety comes first! By routine training and practicing safety on a daily basis, employees develop a habit for safety not only at work but also in their personal lives. Employees feel that accidents can be reduced or eliminated through safe work habits. One of our safety practices for our employees includes annual pole top rescue training. All lineman are trained to know what to do in the event a co-worker may be injured on top of the pole or on the ground.


farm_safetyElectrical safety is not just district employee responsibility, but everyone’s responsibility. Educating the public about electric use, safety and potential hazards is a very important part of our safety program.

Educating the youth in communities within our service area is also very important. We work jointly with the Polk County Extension office in coordinating safety programs either at the fairgrounds, on-site or at the six schools in the service area. Safety demonstrations are also given to 4-H groups, industrial arts classes, or adult groups. We use a “Live Line Demo” to convey the lethal affects of electricity when it is not being used safely.

If you are interested in learning more about electrical safety don’t hesitate, call for more information today.